
Random News/Ain’t It Thoughts (Week of April, 8th 2011)

It’s Rebecca Black’s favorite day so it’s time for me to be all randomy and newsy. (So if I just felt like a fool typing “randomy and newsy” how does Sarah Palin talk like that with a straight face? Perhaps she does not know she is a fool?) So anyway, here’s a lot of links about a little bit of things that y’all can read while you’re pretending to be in you cubicles, listening or your bosses, or driving.

  1. Although I maintain that our government’s actions in Libya did not constitute a “war” (It is very much a war for the poor people of Libya but not for the Big Green Machine, not this time.), I read this article with five reasons why we can’t stop blowing things up in other folks’ countries. I agree with a few of them but maybe we’re inherently violent.
  2. I’m still not super-keen on arming “rebels”. That always seems to back fire on us a few decades later. Times like this, and this. C.J. Chivers who wrote a really good book about the AK-47’s path to prominence and destruction around the world show’s us how rebels an army do not make. I guess it takes more than gumption and ammo to overthrow a government.
  3. I haven’t made the comment about the Cleveland, TX gang rape (I don’t think I did.) on the blog but I’ve said it out loud. “Ewww!” An eleven year-old, seriously?!?!?
  4. In less than 20 words please explain Wiz Khalifia’s appeal to me? (I’ve never smoked weed so please don’t use that argument.) I’d rather listen to Drake.
  5. Everything about this Rolling Stone story is scary. It reminds me a lot of this unfortunate and criminal event. I only hope the soldier who blew the whistle in Afghanistan has an easier path than Hugh Thompson, Jr.
  6. Dear WNBA, I usually don’t give a crap about your product but do what you must to make Skylar Diggins a star. I don’t know anything about advertising and marketing but my inner Don Draper says her “stardom” would work well for you.
  7. If Major League Baseball actually cares about the participation of black youth in the sport they should have an ad campaign that would allow the world to know who Jason Heyward is and what he’s capable of. He plays in a city filled with black people so this idea should be a lay-up.  As a matter of fact they should do the same with B.J. and Justin Upton, Rickie Weeks, Matt Kemp, and C.C. The Spider-Man ad campaign a Shea Stadium should have been a lay-up for the Mets too but a lot of old men have to die before the MLB gets it.
  8. If you like Southern flavored hip hop sans the foolishness please listen to Big K.R.IT. You’re welcome!
  9. If any of y’all have family members or friends that you actually love I ask you to make sure they get the necessary health screening for cancer, diabetes, depression, or sh*t even the gout. Pull a gun on them if you have too.
  10. Stephen Garcia has proven himself to be the dumba** that his reputation said he is. If he gets kicked off the South Carolina team I think it would be hilarious if he transfers to South Carolina State. Hmmmm, Stephen Garcia’s reckless a** in Orangeburg? That could be fun…or a train wreck.[i]
  11. Justified and Southland > Law and Order: Special Criminal Intentions in Los Angeles.[ii] I like SVU but eight seasons of child molesting and rapes get old.


Well that’s that for this week.

Vaya con Dios.

[i] Actually no. I’ve seen an honest to God train wreck and anything else pales in comparison.

[ii] Does anyone who watches Justified actually know what Coover had in the bag?

One response to “Random News/Ain’t It Thoughts (Week of April, 8th 2011)

  1. NubianEmpress

    ooooooooooohhh I’m going to see KRIT w/my bf in a couple of weeks…same weekend as the +FE concert #biwinning.

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